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On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 2:54 PM, Russell Haley <> wrote:
On Sun, Dec 17, 2017 at 2:47 PM, Sol Salpagarov <> wrote:
> It's a pity that PIL is not free and we will need to repeat this work
> independently...

It's a pity people won't pay a measly $40 for the PIL.

+1 to that.  Programming in Lua is an absolutely excellent book and companion to the free and minimal Lua language reference.  I'm happy to buy a copy for any of my employees that want a copy of their own to be able to support it's authors and encourage them to continue keeping it up to date and relevant.

Not everything in this world needs to be free, some things are well worth paying for.

Thomas Fletcher
VP Research & Development
t. +1 (613) 595 1999 x511
c. +1 (613) 878 4659