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On 24/01/17 09:21 PM, Milo Christiansen wrote:
In Lua 5.3 "-3%5 == 2", according to my programmers calculator and several other programing languages I tried this expression in, the real result is -3.

On the other hand "5%-3 == 2", so maybe the result is correct, and the bug is simply reversed operands if one is negative?

I discovered this because I am adding tests (based on the official Lua tests) to my Go Lua VM, and one of the tests failed because the incorrect result is coded into the test.

First of all your modulo is not my modulo (or at least this was a thing back in C89... looks like it isn't in C99+).

Secondly, -3%5 == 2 because floor(-3/5) = -1, and (-1)*5+2 = -5+2 = -3.

See also:

etc. This is an endless argument.

Thirdly, in case you're still reading this for some unknown reason, RTFM always applies:

"Modulo is defined as the remainder of a division that rounds the quotient towards minus infinity (floor division)."

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