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On 11/3/2016 10:21 AM, Russell Haley wrote:
> I don't think there was any emotional charge there? Everyone who wants
> your MIT licensed software portrayed as a legal risk please contact me
> and I will retract my statement.
> Russ

If you've ever had to deal with copyright lawyers at large companies,
you'll know that all third party software has legal risk, whatever the
license is, unless you have been indemnified of that risk. If that
wasn't clear to you before, I'd encourage you to either do research or
engage a lawyer about it. It's entirely a non-trivial topic that you are
attempting to trivialize.

Note, I'm not suggesting that the MIT license has an issue or that Lua
specifically has an issue, but the law is a complex space and you can
never simply state that something has no risk.