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Isn’t that sexist at best, to only invite woman?

where is equality?

> Am 17.03.2016 um 17:27 schrieb Etiene Dalcol <>:
> Hello, ladies of lua-l!
> Rails Girls Summer of Code applications are open today!
> RGSoC is a project similar to Google Summer of Code, where women form pairs and are paid to work on an open source project during the summer. This initiative was created to encourage learning and it is suitable to beginners but to more advanced programmers as well.
> Although the Rails community runs this program, it is language agnostic and, this year, for the first time, there's a Lua project among the list of choices: Sailor. 
> Sailor is a web framework in Lua, so if you are a woman or if you know any women interested in contributing to this Lua project, check it out: 
> Cheers, 
> Etiene Dalcol
> Software Engineering student at ENSTA Bretagne and PUC-Rio
> Sailor Developer
> Lua Ladies Founder