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On 12/03/16 01:02 PM, Rena wrote:

On Mar 12, 2016 9:57 AM, "Andrew Cannon" < <>> wrote:
> On 11/03/16 09:24, Dirk Laurie wrote:
> > 2016-03-10 17:55 GMT+02:00 Coda Highland < <>>:
> >
> >> At this point you might as well use _.a = 1 and then you no longer
> >> even need a with statement.
> >
> > I use local names consisting of one capital letter instead of _.
> > Idioms like "for _,value in pairs(tbl) do" cultivate a habit that
> > the underscore is used for return values that one does not
> > intend to refer to.
> >
> Perhaps this syntax could be extended to allow already initialized table members > to be used in initialization later members, a feature which I have sometimes missed:
> eg:
> local t = {
>         a = x1 * x2,
>         b = _.a + 1
> }
> The '_' in this case would reference the table currently being built.
> Andrew
I think `b = t.a + 1` would be more natural, but I don't know how doable it is.

local t{


local t = {

It does generate ambiguity when used inside the table (function call f{} or table t{}) tho... And cannot be used as part of a return... Hmm...

@table and @function ("top level table constructor" and "current function" respectively) could work instead, @table would be done at the parser level and @function would be done at the bytecode level[1].

[1]: scroll down to self-referential functions

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