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It was thus said that the Great Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo once stated:
> I've packaged the current tools used to convert Lua source code into the
> browsable HTML files available at
> The tools are at
> Here is the README:
> The code is a mixture of scripts in Lua, AWK, and sh.
> ctags is the main workhorse. You need a ctags that understands -x.
> The scripts that work on the tags file depend on the format I got.
> I'm not sure that format is universal.
> There is no documentation at all for the scripts; read the sources.
> Start by reading the Makefile. The main target is named "go".
> The Makefile and some scripts won't work in your system because they
> get and put files from and to our web server. Look for "scp".
> The scripts try to avoid spurious links but they are not perfect.
> Essentially, all words found in the C sources are hyperlinked if they
> have a useful entry in the tags file. This will add links to words in
> comments and in strings. Sometimes this is ok, but not always. It works
> well for the Lua code. It may not work so well for your own code.
> If you find a spurious link in the Lua code, please let me know.
> The output HTML needs to be complemented with CSS to look nice.
> The current versions are at
> plus the site-wide
> All feedback is welcome.
> This code is hereby placed in the public domain.
> Please send comments, suggestions, and bug reports to me. Thanks.
> --lhf

  GNU Gtags can also convert C code into HTML.  It's not quite as pretty,
but it can show you not only where something is defined, but where that
definition (function, type, etc) is used in the code.  I use it at work to
browse source code.
