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On 02/01/15 13:36, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo wrote:
> Lua 5.3.0 (rc3) is now available for testing at
> MD5	5dd17d29fbb70139d315e2cea751a128  -
> SHA1	83e26c3c21abe7c309c5e9df08b6a7a7db85ef2a  -
> This is a release candidate for the final release of Lua 5.3.0.
> A few things have changed since beta that we'd like to test in the wild.
> In particular, we made some changes in luaconf.h and in the Makefile
> that we'd like to test. Please try compiling the current code in as many
> platforms as possible. We expect the compilation will go smoothly as usual
> but please report any warnings or other glitches.
> We'd also like feedback on the documentation:
> Finally, for those of you into this, please test luac -l -l on your
> scripts, just to make sure we haven't missed anything with the new
> VM instructions etc.
> The main change in Lua 5.3.0 is the introduction of integers. See also
> The complete diffs are available at
> An updated test suite is available at
> All feedback welcome. Thanks.
> --lhf

Just to bringing the following back to your attention, as you did not
imply it was intended. RC3 and luac -l -l still prints floating point
numbers which have an integer representation as whole numbers.



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