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Thank you Bogdan, for your quick response. I was following through your very own patch on elua for LTR and yes, I could verify that the patch doesn't apply to 5.2 LUA source.

Could you please provide any insights to make this patch available on the 5.2 LUA version? 

Also - if you have, could you please share some performance tools to test the LUA performance? 

Thank you.


On Wednesday, 29 October 2014 4:59 PM, Bogdan Marinescu <> wrote:


Lua never officially supported the LTR patch, since that's specific to deeply embedded systems. And no, LTR was not updated to Lua 5.2.


On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 11:25 AM, Santosh Kadam <> wrote:
Hi there, 

I would like to get inputs on the following two points

1) Does Lua 5.2.3 support LTR (Lua Tiny Ram) ? I yes - where do I find the details ? I also would like to enable / disable the same if possible. 

2) I would like to build an integer only LUA and not supporting float / double types. I understand that in luaconf.h - we need to change the following line 

#define LUA_NUMBER      double



Is there any other place required to accomplish the integer only LUA ?

3) What tools can I use to measure the LUA performance measurements in terms of memory, processor and speed ?
