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On Saturday, August 30, 2014, Jay Carlson <> wrote:

On Aug 30, 2014 12:05 PM, "Tim Hill" <> wrote:

> -1 on “read the archives before posting wishes”. Why?

-1 because of the size and length of archives. If that's the qualification for posting, I'm in trouble; I have 3000 "unread" messages in this folder. I got them the hard way; the easier way is importing mboxes into a mail app (for fast local threaded search).

It might be nice to have a Frequently Offered Clever Suggestions posting. (Everything I needed to know in life I learned from Netrek.)


(This is not to jay, but more to the thread, generally)

I make a substantial effort to avoid proposing anything. I did a search, first generally than to the mailing list. I should have done a better job by making another search that targeted the wiki, but I don't think that should be a standard for this kind of question. I think that my question was well within bounds of this list and with netiquette, generally. 

You will notice that:

I did not propose or suggest that vararg be changed. I asked for help finding the thread where this had already been discussed. 

If I do that, then please don't associate me with a "proposal" that I never made. 

It was just a question, and a few of the answers were very helpful (to me). I call that "a good post."
