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Dirk Laurie wrote:
> 2014-08-15 20:03 GMT+02:00 Hisham <>:
>> * MoonRocks is the new default repository:
>> - Rocks don't need to be sent to the LuaRocks mailing list anymore,
>> you can upload them directly at the website or using...
>> * ...`luarocks upload` command for uploading rocks to MoonRocks via
>> the command-line
>> * Preliminary support for Lua 5.3
> Have the above two come together yet? Uploading says:
> Error: A JSON library is required for this command.
> But an attempt to install dkjson with luarocks-5.3 says:
> Missing dependencies for dkjson:
> lua >= 5.1, < 5.3

Oh, on the one hand I have to admit that I didn't even test my module
with the Lua 5.3 alpha version yet.

But on the other hand, even if that test was successful or I made a new
version compatible with 5.3-alpha, could I really say in the rockspeck
that the version requirement is < 5.4? How much could still change
between alpha and beta?

Best regards,

David Kolf