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On 05/04/2014 03:18 PM, lua.greatwolf wrote:
After much investigation, I think I made some progress. It looks like I have
to include "Content-Type" and "Content-Length" in the header for the POST
request. So now instead of getting "{"error":"Invalid command."}", I get
"{"error":"Invalid API key/secret pair."}".

The hmac-sha512 digest is computed from the secret and post data request
sent to the server. Since I get the same hash as in python, I'm guessing
somehow the server end isn't getting the post data correctly.

Anyone have any ideas?

Here's the updated script so far:

The main change is in the header table:

   headers =
     Sign = signature,
     Key = key,
     ["Content-Type"] = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
     ["Content-Length"] = #post_data

As a sidenote, I've manually constructed the POST request using the chrome
app addon called "POSTMAN" as a test. The query successfully goes through
when using the following 3 header-fields: Key, Sign, Content-Type with
content type being "application/x-www-form-urlencoded". Filling the body of
the request with "nonce=1399116375497&command=returnBalances" in raw form.

So I'm stumped as to why luasocket+luasec doesn't want to work.

I don't know the answer but I could provide some debugging tricks I often used.

Usually when I encountered such problems, I would write some code as a "fake" server,
whose only task was to dump the request the client sent, to aid dubugging.
for HTTP requests, this could be trivially done using luasocket.
but I don't know the SSL thing, so I would use a ready-made web server supporting HTTPS.

I don't use python, so I don't have full Python installed in my system. but I had no problem
run your Lua code. the dumped request was like this:
 5: Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
 5: Host: localhost
 5: key: 89QK21JO-8O72SN4U-ZUR4CGE5-TSGNT63S
 5: sign: a97b404e4610b893a8bbaf5f8a458b5bef24b1b67bd279785380667944821c8258d25de9b32843168be5c46c8d79904a753969062cbc9e1c682fd394037a94b3
 5: TE: trailers
 5: User-Agent: LuaSocket 3.0-rc1
 5: Content-Length: 42
 5: Connection: close, TE
 9: nonce=1399116375497
 9: command=returnBalances

the "fake" server script is very simple:
trace("REQUEST: " .. request:method())
for k, v in pairs(request:header()) do
   trace(k .. ": " .. v)
for k, v in request:datapairs() do
   trace(k .. "=" .. v)

I used mako server[] to do the testing. it is very easy to use.
and would work out of the box, just download, unzip, and run. yet, it is quite powerful.

to use the the above code, just save it as a .lsp file, e.g. $HOME/tmp/dump.lsp
then run the following command:
  mako -l::$HOME/tmp
the page is now served at the URL https://localhost:9443/dump.lsp