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And I'd like to compare Lua VM with JVM or .net or Dalvic.

I believe Lua VM doesn't work at run-time at all.
This gives the impression that Lua VM look very much similar to LLVM.
And, this would distinguish Lua VM from JVM, .net or Dalvic.

Do I think correctly?

Thank you very much also.

Ha ve a good day,

Journeyer J. Joh
o o s a p r o g r a m m e r
a t
g m a i l  d o t  c o m

2014/1/13 Journeyer J. Joh <>

I suddenly faced a basic question about virtual machine in lua.
Frankly speaking I didn't search about this question on internet.
I am asking this question directly on this maillist.

I wonder if the virtual machine in Lua is pretty much same with the one in LLVM.

I noticed sqlite3 uses VM also.
I know there are several different type of VM.
Frankly, I don't know very well about LLVM neigher.

I think VM of LLVM provides a isolated environment from any machine so that compile-time optimization is done with better result.

I guess lua VM is used for the same purpose. VM in lua provides a virtual machine in which compile-time optimization is done better.

Thank you for the kind answer in advance.

Have a good day.
Journeyer J. Joh
o o s a p r o g r a m m e r
a t
g m a i l  d o t  c o m