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Am 31.12.13 08:14, schrieb Gunnar Zötl:
>> Roberto Ierusalimschy <> hat am 30. Dezember 2013 um
>> 14:06 geschrieben:
>>> Even here in the Netherlands someone gay gets beat up once in a while
>>> (disgusting, but it happens). So that makes a list of Netherlands, France,
>>> Russia and the US as non-possible locations for the next Lua workshop. Maybe
>>> no more workshop at all, as the world seems to be a dangerous place...
>> +1. (Adds Brazil to the list; here tourists get beat up once in a while,
>> regardless their sexual orientation.)
> Add Germany. Everybody can get beaten up here for just about every reason. A
> quick google will tell you that. It's just, a quick google shows you what you
> want to see, and does not put it into perspective. There's stupid laws and
> a**holes all over the world, sadly. I very much appreciate Alexanders
> initiative, and if I can make it at all, I will be there.

Because the whole world is such a crappy and dangerous place - except
Switzerland - we held the workshop in 2011 in Switzerland ;)

Well, we can't do it all the time in this safe and calm corner of the
world, where the sky is always blue, the sun shining 28 hours a day,
nine days a week, and the cows are yodeling - so I am all for Moscow.

And I am totally sure Alexander will organize an amazing event...