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2014/1/2 Jerome Vuarand <>:
> FWIW I'm using "Lua 5.2.3  Copyright (C) 1994-2013, PUC-Rio",
> slightly patched, on Windows x64.

That phrase reminds me of the days when I was part of a team of experts
(i.e. slightly less inexperienced FORTRAN programmers) tasked with
mentoring newbies (i.e. inexperienced FORTRAN programmers).
The following dialogue was standard:

newbie: I didn't change anything, but the program gives different results.
expert: If you changed nothing, why did you run it again?
newbie: Well, actually, I changed something very small, but it cannot
    possibly affect the results.
expert: If it cannot affect the results, why did you change it?

Etc. Sooner or later the newbie got the message.