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On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 11:43 AM, Pierre Chapuis <> wrote:
>> 2013/12/4 steve donovan <>
>> I was not quite interested in this thread at first, because I know there
>> are no Lua meetups in Taiwan to begin with (only that I presented
>> something
>> at nearly 2 years ago)
>> But then I still went to check the meetup map... and there's a single pin
>> in East Asia region..... Taipei, Taiwan, what the heck!?
>> Then I found out it's the Taiwan reseller of CoronaSDK did that. :)  A
>> huge
>> portion of these registered events on Meetup website are from CoronaSDK
>> though. I sort of hope there can be a meetup in Asia region that's about
>> the language itself, if possible. (I had the idea to hold one by myself
>> for
>> several times. But I am too swamped by the game dev events I am already
>> running)
> Yes, 22 out of 29 meetups are those Corona meetups.
Gotta figure out how to get our group on there.

We had 6 show up and it was a great time. It was mostly an
introduction meeting. One guy was specifically interested in Corona,
but had little experience. Two were from Adobe and we pretty much
hammered them with questions.

It was a lot of belly-button gazing, but that was expected for the
first meeting. This reminds me, I need to go put our group on that map
and schedule the next meetup!
