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> Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 21:35:05 -0700
> From: Paul K <>
> Subject: ZeroBrane Studio 0.39 release candidate
> - LuaJIT is now the default interpreter instead of Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2 is
> included for all supported platforms (just select "Lua 5.2" from the
> list of interpreters)

This looks great - yesterday my comment would have been "ZeroBrane is a bit
coy about what version of Lua it is using, but if you poke about in the
installation directory you find that 'Lua' actually still means Lua 5.1".

With 5.2 in there as well (and hopefully you have the infrastructure now so
the delay between release and support for 5.3 will be much less than the
delay for 5.2 - not a criticism, more a question) this could well be the
best candidate for my desired 3-Platform binary distribution.

Also very encouraging that you are thinking about how to add package support
for libraries.