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>         lua_pushnumber(L, data[i]); // Push the data element
>         lua_rawseti(L, -3, i + 1); // firstTable[i+1] = data[i]
>         // if data[i] > min and < max, I want to add it to a second result
> table
>         if(data[i] > min && data[i] < max) {
>             lua_pushnumber(L, data[i]); // Push the data element
>             lua_rawseti(L, -2, i+1); // secondTable[i+1] = data[i]
>         }
>     }

Wouldn't it be cheaper to perform the min/max test first, and then duplicate the element on the stack (lua_pushvalue) instead of calling lua_pushnumber twice? (with 10000 elements that should be easy to test)
