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Well my personal opinion is it's bad design to do that anyway. I always train people to think of a Lua function as one that has as input an infinite number of arguments, most of which are nil, and returns an infinite number of values, again most of which are nil.


On Apr 21, 2013, at 6:47 PM, Coda Highland <> wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 21, 2013 at 6:31 PM, Tim Hill <> wrote:
>> Why can't you just use a wrapper function? Trivial to do, and doesn't need any patching:
>> function g(x, y)
>>        f(x, y or 0)
>> end
>> And of course, it's easy to wrap transparently:
>> do
>>        local fo = f
>>        function f(x, y)
>>                fo(x, y or 0)
>>        end
>> end
>> --Tim
>> On Apr 20, 2013, at 11:41 PM, Dirk Laurie <> wrote:
>>>   function f(x,y=0)
>>>   function f(x,y or 0)
>>> to mean
>>>   function f(x,y) y=y or 0
>>> Neither would break existing code.
>>> Which of the above should I choose to implement as a patch?
> I'd rather do it in the language instead of in script, because you may
> still care about the difference between nil and not having passed a
> parameter at all.
> /s/ Adam