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Hi Dirk,

On 2 Apr 2013, at 02:48, Dirk Laurie <> wrote:
> 2013/4/1 Gary V. Vaughan <>:
>> Hisham already explained how to set up parallel trees better than
>> I could though, so I'll let you go back and read his earlier reply.
> I just wanted to take quick look at stdlib to see what it
> can do. It's not important enough to me to spend a whole
> evening on. I'll just copy the contents of the std/ directory
> to somewhere on my Lua path and use the individual
> modules.


Or you can use the LUA_PATH munging I pasted into an earlier message
to get make rockspecs to work.

Also, if you just want to poke around, then all the documentation
is checked in on the release branch:

Or on your local machine, something along the lines of:


Gary V. Vaughan (gary AT vaughan DOT pe)