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Let me share a bit of my experience.
I have always considered Decoda as the most powerful Lua debugger for Windows.
This does not mean it is the best IDE (it is clearly not), but it was the only tool that could debug some of my applications like LuaDura.
LuaDura for example does not support LuaSockets which is required by other debuggers, and moreover has a bunch of Lua code included, in a compressed form, inside the executable itself.
Decoda had no difficulty to debug the code in the internal files, because it places hooks on lua_load* API functions. Exactly how, I don't know (I haven't studied the sources yet).
So I think this is a great news that Decoda is now open source. The only bad news is that now I don't need it anymore: Olivetti iJet, my previous employer up to 2012, has stopped all activities!
And I couldn't find up to now a good reason to introduce Lua in my new company :-)

-- Patrick Rapin
-- coauthor of "Le guide de Lua et ses applications", D-BookeR