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Yes, there are really two issues (at least) which have been conflated here: the SYNTAX of the data representation and how it is to be "parsed". These are two separate issues. It seems like there is a feeling that if it looks like Lua then we can just execute it and get out the data structure. IMAO that is where the problem lies and I wouldn't trust it even with expert sandboxing.

I have nothing against using a Lua based syntax for data transfer but I wonder if it isn't already too late to do anything about JSON.


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Hadriel Kaplan" <>
> To: "Lua mailing list" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, 9 January, 2013 6:01:45 PM
> Subject: Re: Is Lua used as a data representation language?
> Yes if you accept data from the outside world you'd be optimistic to
> blindly execute it as code, hoping it only builds a benign data
> structure.  But that's a choice the programmer can make - they don't
> have to use the loadstring function as ltin.lua does right now, but
> can instead use a library/function that only accepts and creates
> what they allow (assuming one writes such a function/library).
> Having said that, there are reasonable use-cases for keeping the data
> structure syntax/format a subset of Lua's grammar/rules such that
> something like loadstring could work - for example, the use-case of
> MPI messaging between Lua states in separate threads; or a program
> written for a private network environment (e.g., a distributed
> testing program for SQA labs).
> Obviously everyone can create their own format and write their own
> serializer/deserializer for their specific use-cases, but it would
> be nice if there were a common/popular format so that a C-library to
> do the work gets wide review for stability and safety.  And to be so
> popular, I think the format needs to support as many use-cases as
> possible, including those for which a loadstring approach can be
> used instead of a C-library.
> -hadriel
> On Jan 8, 2013, at 12:05 PM, Robert Virding
> <> wrote:
> > I don't think being defensive is good enough here. If you are
> > accepting "data" into your system from the outside world you
> > really have to be paranoid and assume they are out to get you.
> > Because they will be! It is not much different building firewalls
> > where the safest way is to start by blocking everything and then
> > only allow the bare minimum. Depressing perhaps, but the only safe
> > way to go.
> > 
> > Robert
> > 
> > ----- Original Message -----
> >> From: "Thijs Schreijer" <>
> >> To:
> >> Sent: Tuesday, 8 January, 2013 11:19:56 AM
> >> Subject: Re: Is Lua used as a data representation language?
> >> 
> >> 
> >>> I think that having a data representation language which is
> >>> executable is
> >>> extremely dangerous and I would never use it unless the "data"
> >>> came
> >>> from an extremely trusted source. Basically myself. Even if I had
> >>> written
> >>> my own interpreter for it. This is one case where data should
> >>> definitely
> >>> be data and nothing else.
> >>> 
> >>> Robert
> >> 
> >> In general I would agree to that, but it is also a very defensive
> >> point of view. I would like to see where this is going and whether
> >> it can be sandboxed well enough to be safe enough (whatever that
> >> might be).
> >> If you don't try, you won't know.
> >> 
> >> Thijs
> > 