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On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 3:20 PM, Javier Guerra Giraldez
<> wrote:
> my vote is for using LuaDoc hints.  metalua is impressive, but i think
> most of my code wouldn't be analyzable without actually running it.

The Koneki Eclipse LDT [1] actually uses both strategies. LDoc
implemented extended tags-with-attributes like '@tparam string name
first name of person', where '@tparam string' could be further aliased
to '@string'.  Basically so that doc strings could capture more
semantic information - if we have a function marked with '@tret
MyObject' then the static analysis can work from there.

And then there's LuaInspect [2], which is a plugin for SciTE and vim.
This does metalua-style static _plus_ dynamic analysis.

It isn't an easy or clean problem....

