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Steve Donovan, who many of you on this list will know is giving a talk
on 6 September in London. Hope to see some of you there!

Anyone else who is passing through London would be very welcome to
give a talk on any aspect of Lua, please let me know.

6 September 2012 at 18:30.

Lua with Android using AndroLua

AndroLua is a demonstration project by Michal Kottman which bundles
Lua 5.1 and LuaJava as an application you can run on your phone or an
emulator. The version I will demonstrate implements a simple TCP
server so that one can open an interactive session on a host machine.
Only weighing in at 260Kb, AndroLua provides access to most Android
APIs directly through Java reflection. It is a good way to learn the
capabilities of this OS without a time-consuming compile-upload-launch
cycle, and Lua modules and other assets can be uploaded to a running
program. I will show how the dynamic nature of Lua and its support for
first-class functions makes Android application development more
pleasant and productive.

Steve Donovan works at CSIR Mining Innovation laboratories,
Johannesburg, South Africa. He has been active in open-source Lua
development, and is a compulsive creator of Github repositories.

Please signup with Skills Matter

Talk will be available on video after, please see where past talks are also available.