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> I'd like to know how others solved (or didn't solve) that problem: how
> to make Lua 5.1 cohabitate with Lua 5.2 on the "system" (whatever the
> system is)?

I cannot talk generally.
But for LuaOpenCL project (not announced yet, since it is not
finished), I have a Visual Studio 2010 solution [1] for testing.
The solution supports both Lua 5.1 and Lua 5.2,  as long as OpenCL
1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 versions.
All sub-project files include the "common.props" project file. All I
have to change switch between Lua and OpenCL versions is to edit lines
5 or 6 and rebuild.
It works by changing the header search path, in other words the -I
compiler option, and the project dependencies.
