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On Thu, Jul 05, 2012 at 01:47:22AM -0700, Laurent FAILLIE wrote:
> > gobject-introspection is needed to build and run lgi, but then, for
> > each library you want to access to, you need the corresponding .typelib
> >  files.
> Unfortunately, lgi is not packaged for my distribution (Gentoo). So

This is irrelevant, since the .typelib files are used by many other
softwares, not just lgi.

> can I install those files ?  Do I have to compile libraries with
> introspection enabled or should I find them elsewhere.  And if it's a
> manual install, where to install them ?

Again, these typelib files are needed for other gobject introspection based 
bindings. Python has them, and the same is true for javascript.
In other words, if Gentoo ships Gnome3, then these .typelib files must have
been packaged and installed somewhere.

Unfortunately I don't know Gentoo well enough to tell you how to look for them.

Enrico Tassi