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If you're on windows, you may try ZeroBraneStudio
(; it provides "Analyze"
function that is based on lua-inspect and metalua. I've implemented my
own AST walker to extend reporting provided by lua-inspect, but also
to make it a bit less verbose. Part of the processing has been
disabled as it gets really slow on large source files; this means
"required" scripts are not loaded, which may impact how global values
are reported.

Grab the latest version from github (git clone and run
zbstudio.exe. Then go to "Program | Analyze". The actual walker is in
and you can see what warnings are reported (M.show_warnings).


On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 10:43 AM, Xavier Wang <> wrote:
> I really think which is default is not problem, the problem is *how*
> we know that *is* global/local. has some tools to analyze your code
> and give hint about   how many globals you used?
> I have tried lua-inspect but it gives me too many things than I need.
> maybe some tools can replace luac and can produce warnings about e.g.
> globals.
> 2012/6/4  <>:
>> Hello list,
>> I've seen a couple of complaints about how Lua uses explicit locals (unlike
>> other popular scripting languages), so I wrote a blog post to address this:
>> -Rob