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Hi all,

Here are the modules which have been ported to Lua 5.2 for luabuild
(but naturally they may be used outside this context)

lfs = "lfs"
M["socket.core"] = "luasocket/src"
M["mime.core"] = "luasocket/src"
ltcl = "ltcltk-0.9-2"
lsqlite3 = "lsqlite3_svn08"
linenoise = "lua-linenoise"
lxp = "luaexpat/src"
struct = "struct"

(Other modules available like lpeg, complex, luaposix and winapi were
already Lua 5.2 ready)

The ports include the support Lua source and tests; some of these
modules put up a good fight, since they were barely Lua 5.1
compatible.  I don't claim that these are _exhaustively_ tested, just
that they pass their own tests fine, on platforms that support them.
(If these versions _don't_ work on Lua 5.1 as well, it's a bug)

The priority of luabuild now switches to integrating Jay's soar and
lhf's srlua into a self-contained executable builder.  Hence the
choice of modules, small and important libraries which provide the
essentials.  Any other proposed candidates are welcome.

(luabuild now bundles the latest linenoise I could find, and a version
of David M's lua.lua is provided as an extended example of using
linenoise for context-sensitive completion)

It would be BTW useful to have a wiki page dedicated to the Lua 5.2
status of common modules.

steve d.