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> Not possible with existing Lua without changing also some other
> places, first it would have to get rid of function calls without
> brackets syntax, and would have to replace key specification for
> tables, for example : instead of =. Then it might work, but its more a
> new dialect with changed syntax instead of a fix to Lua.

It is unfortunate that this change couldn't be a superset of Lua.  

> BTW: I find it tedious talking so much about syntax, when the
> interesting stuff happens at semantics.

Semantic are far more important in the big picture.  Lua is my favorite language
by far because of its clean syntax.  I'd even go as far as saying I adore the
syntax! :)  The commas just get to me after a while.  I have an average of over
200 commas in every Lua file that I feel are not needed - just like semicolons.
 I don't miss semicolons either.

- Greg