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In message 
you wrote:

> .......  so falling back on RiscLua's
> minimal version of the patch seems safe...

I first incorporated Peter Shook's patch, in its full form, for RiscLua
in October 2005, just after Lua 5.1(alpha+) came out. I stuck to that
but it gradually dawned on me that the only circumstances when I used 
it were in the local case. 
In fact I made a habit of using local variables for everything
except names of libraries and built-in values (unless they were used
in loops, where I would use a local value). I found that the patch gave
pleasingly terse syntax when one was iterating over a list of
records, e.g.

      for _,record in ipairs(list) do
        local name,adr,email,job in record

So eventually I used only the minimal version of the patch. It looks like
I may have avoided some problems in keeping the patch uptodate by doing

Gavin Wraith (
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