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Great list - I just realised Corona was missing:

Regards Lee.

On 16 February 2012 11:22, Carsten Fuchs <> wrote:
Dear Paul,

I've been following the "Where Lua *is* used" thread on lua-l, and I think it's wonderful that you made a comprehensive page for it!

I'm the main author of the Cafu Engine,
Would you mind adding it to your page, section "Game Engines", as well?

Cafu is an open-source game engine and graphics engine with multiplayer network support. It currently works under Windows and Linux (and Mac soon).

It uses Lua mainly for map entity scripting and GUI scripts, see for more details.

Best regards,

  Cafu - the open-source Game and Graphics Engine
for multiplayer, cross-platform, real-time 3D Action
         Learn more at