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Lua 5.1.5 (rc1) is now available at

MD5	18ff69fe83563b3d4f0ff19777f96375  -
SHA1	29e936b4a0f434a1c491758d61ab2bceb4271ab4  -

Lua 5.1.5 fixes all known bugs in Lua 5.1.4. Like all minor releases,
this is strictly a bug-fix release; no new features or improvements
have been added, except for an updated reference manual.

The complete diffs from 5.1.4 to 5.1.5 are available at

This release candidate will be the final version of Lua 5.1.5 if
no glitches are found in the next 10 days or so.

We thank everyone for their feedback on Lua 5.1.

All feedback welcome. Thanks.