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On Mon, 3 Oct 2011 10:33:25 +0100 (BST)
Pascal Du maurrier <> wrote:

> Will it be possible, with your email client, to bypass the GUI and
> have it work directly from the command line? I mean, like MH/mnh
> does... (see the first post of this thread). Power users would love
> that!
Not really.  The main thing we're doing with luamail is glueing a bunch of 3rd party libraries (and for smtp: a commandline program) together
in a GUI app.  If we do some more generally useful work (say: creating lua bindings for a C email parsing library, or writing a lua email parsing library)
then I would just make those separate projects, which luakmail can then depend on.
I never used MH/nmh so i don't know exactly how it works, but probably the code in our codebase is useless to reach your goal (it's nearly all stuff written to be used within the graphical luakit program), so you are probably better off creating your own program(s), potentially using the same libraries as we use directly, and/or cooperating with us on those libraries.

> Also, why don't you call your program LuaMail? It sounds nice.
I don't care much.  I just call it luamail even though we don't really use that name.
Technically it's "the lib/mail.lua file in our luamail branch in our luakit repository" but that doesn't sound very good either.
