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From the shell

$ export LD_DEBUG=bindings
  and run it, for more options type

$ export LD_DEBUG=help
  and run something, it would spit out more stuff.

Also just use
$ ldd /yourdir/
  to get info how it's loading

Check your ldconfig cache

$ /sbin/ldconfig -p
  it prints how the system would find your dynamic shared objects.

On 7/26/2011 12:24 AM, HyperHacker wrote:
On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 21:38, HyperHacker<>  wrote:
I've compiled and used both of these before on an x86 system without
much trouble, but on my x64 machine I can't get anywhere with either.

Various modules of LuaGnome fail to compile, and then the library won't load:

$ make gdk
lua: script/parse-xml.lua:231: assertion failed!
stack traceback:
        [C]: in function 'assert'
        script/parse-xml.lua:231: in function 'analyze_functions'
        script/parse-xml.lua:601: in main chunk
        [C]: ?
make[1]: *** [build/linux-amd64/gdk/functions.txt] Error 1
make: *** [gdk] Error 2

This, I (possibly) fixed by changing script/parse-xml.lua around line 230:
  if config.lib.aliases then
        for to, from in pairs(config.lib.aliases) do
            --assert(not xml.funclist[to])
            if xml.funclist[from] and not xml.funclist[to] then
                    function_list[#function_list + 1] = to
                    xml.funclist[to] = from

$ make gnet
In file included from /usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/galloca.h:34,
                 from /usr/include/glib-2.0/glib.h:32,
                 from /usr/include/gnet-2.0/gnet.h:24,
                 from tmpfile.c:1:
/usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gtypes.h:34:24: error: glibconfig.h: No
such file or directory
/usr/include/glib-2.0/glib/gtypes.h:416:2: error: #error unknown ENDIAN type
<snip huge chain of resulting errors>

Your Gtk Version is 2.24.4
Version 2.24.4-linux-amd64 not supported; can't download.
script/make-xml.lua failed.  The C file content is:

make[1]: *** [build/linux-amd64/gnet/types.xml] Error 1
make: *** [gnet] Error 2

$ make gtkhtml
script/Makefile.common:56: The module gtkhtml is not buildable.

[LuaGnome] Can't load dynamic library /usr/lib/
[LuaGnome] Can't load dynamic library /usr/lib/
[LuaGnome] Can't load dynamic library /usr/lib/
[LuaGnome] symbol g_assertion_message not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_boxed_type_register_static not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_enum_get_value not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_flags_get_first_value not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_free not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_malloc not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_strdup not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_mem_gc_friendly not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_mem_profile not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_mem_set_vtable not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_object_is_floating not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_object_ref_sink not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_realloc not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_slice_alloc not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_slice_alloc0 not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_slice_free1 not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_slice_set_config not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_type_check_value not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_type_class_peek not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_type_class_ref not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_type_class_unref not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_type_from_name not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_type_fundamental not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_type_init not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_type_interface_peek not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_type_interfaces not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_type_is_a not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_type_name not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_type_parent not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_value_init not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_value_unset not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol g_log_set_default_handler not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] symbol glib_mem_profiler_table not found in dynamic library.
[LuaGnome] ERROR - an unavailable function was called.

LuaGL compiles and loads, but all constants (e.g. gl.PROJECTION) are
missing. Only the functions remain.

Sent from my toaster.

Well I've figured out why LuaGnome fails: it's not looking in
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu and
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include which seem to be where all
my stuff is. However I can't figure out how to fix this. No matter
where I stick pkg-config in makefiles and config scripts it doesn't
seem to notice.

As a temporary fix I symlinked
/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libg{object,module,thread} into
/usr/lib; that gets the library to load at least, though lacking a few
modules I still haven't been able to compile.