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On Sun, 24 Jul 2011 21:23:56 +0100, Peter Cawley <>
>Works for me:
>line=[[<a href="/places/1.php">1</a> <a href="/places/2.php">2</a>]]
>for w in string.gmatch(line, '<a href="/places/.-%.php">') do print(w) end
><a href="/places/1.php">
><a href="/places/2.php">

Found it: There were cases where the URL was followed by other
<a href="/places/0.php">dummy<a href="/places/1.php"
class="N11">dummy<a href="/places/2.php">

This code does the job:
for w in string.gmatch(line, '<a href="/places/%w%.php">') do

Thank you all.