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On 21 June 2011 17:37, Dirk Laurie <> wrote:
> I am tempted to ask (but won't) why there isn't any lpeg.L(lpat) that
> returns an lpeg pattern that matches the same strings, and returns
> the same captures, that the Lua pattern lpat would.
> Instead, I'm asking whether a question similar to this has burgeoned
> in the brain of a list member for long enough that some work in this
> direction has been done.
> Dirk

I started working on it after I saw this post:
local lpeg = require "lpeg"
local P , R , S , V = lpeg.P , lpeg.R , lpeg.S , lpeg.V
local C , Carg , Cb , Cc , Cf , Cg , Ct , Cmt = lpeg.C , lpeg.Carg ,
lpeg.Cb , lpeg.Cc , lpeg.Cf , lpeg.Cg , lpeg.Ct , lpeg.Cmt
local locale = lpeg.locale ( )

local patt_or = function ( patt1 , patt2 )
	return patt1 + patt2
local patt_then = function ( patt1 , patt2 )
	return patt1 * patt2

local makerange = function ( from , to )
	return R(from .. to)

local classes = setmetatable ( {
	a = locale.alpha ;
	c = locale.cntrl ;
	d = locale.digit ;
	l = locale.lower ;
	p = locale.punct ;
	s = ;
	u = locale.upper ;
	w = locale.alnum ;
	x = locale.xdigit ;
	z = P("\0") ;
} , { __index = function(conv,k)
		error("Invalid class: " .. k)
		return P(k)
} )

local any = P(1)
local eos = P(-1)

local luapattern = P{
	special = S"^$()%.[]*+-?" ;
	plain = 1-V"special" ;
	range = C(V"plain") * "-" * C(V"plain") / makerange ;
	class = P"."*Cc(any) + P"%"*(locale.alnum/classes+(1-locale.alnum/P))
+ V"plain"/P ;
	set = Cf(P"[" * (P"^"*Cc("complement"))^-1 * (V"range" + V"class")^1
* P"]" , patt_or) ;
	item = V"set" + V"plain"^1 ;
	pattern = Cf( ((-V"item")*any)^-1 * V"item"^0 * (P"$"*Cc(eos))^-1 ,
patt_then );
f = luapattern:match("[%a][%d]")