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Lubyk: a Lua based ecosystem for live performances and distributed multimedia applications

The talk would highlight some unique aspects of Lubyk: plug & play distributed computing and live coding by automagically connecting Lua processes with ZeroMQ [1] and ZeroConf [2]. A short demo would use the system to control the speaker's voice through simple body gestures (using a wiimote probably) by sending OSC messages to Kyma [3]. The second part would be more Lua centric and highlight how lua scripts are connected together and how their runtime environments are encapsulated to ease code reuse and avoid side effects.

This would also be the occasion to release the first public beta for Lubyk [4].

Cheers !



On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 2:56 PM, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo <> wrote:
We are now planning the program for the Lua Workshop 2011. If you'd
like to speak at the Workshop, please state it here, giving a tentative
title and a short abstract. Presentations usually are 20- or 30-minute
talks about something interesting you have done with Lua. It can be an
application, a library, a tool, an insight, a proposal, a demo, etc.
See the program for the previous workshops for typical talks. There
are links at .

Registrations for the Workshop should open soon.

We hope to see you in Switzerland!