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On 08/05/2011 22:54, Francesco Abbate wrote:
For me the question of Henning is legitimate. Lua is the programming
language itself and there is only one of it. For a given programming
language you can have multiple implementations and PUC Lua, LuaJIT and
LuaJIT2 are different implementations of the same programming
language, so the question of Henning is appropriate.

There are also Kahlua, LuaJ and some other interpreters written in Java, plus the automated translation of the Lua interpreter to JavaScript, mentioned recently, and the LLVM port, and some others I forgot.

But for me, Lua is the programming language AND the original interpreter (core and command line interface). As mentioned, sometime we see "Sun Java" but when we see Java alone, it is implicitly the Sun version, only the alternative JVMs get systematically qualifiers.

Philippe Lhoste
--  (near) Paris -- France
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