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As I have mentioned a couple times on the list. I am working on a
plugin to support Lua under the IntelliJ IDE.

One of the hallmarks of JetBrains (the maker of IntelliJ) is the
notion of an intelligent semantically aware text editor.

To honor this I have been creating what are called "inspections" which
find common flaws in code and either flag them, or flag them and offer
to fix them.

To give you an example:

This is a subtle coding error:

a,b,c = 1,2

It is not explicitly clear that c is being assigned a nil value.

So my plugin detects this condition, and offers to pad the rvalues
with nil to equal the lvalues.

Here is a screencast of what I am talking about (it is very short,
don't worry):

I have a few others, that don't have fixes, such as concatenation of a
string in a loop, access of array index 0, divide by 0, and a couple

I am looking for more, so I thought I would ask the list for some suggestions.

Thank you all in advance,
