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Am 12.02.11 21:02, schrieb Dado Sutter:
> On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 17:00, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo
> < <>> wrote:
>     > So where will the workshop be held?  We have several
>     opportunities, but
>     > I have no idea how the selection process works.
>     We usually wait till a consensus arises here.
> Right. But time runs short for places reservations and many other
> arrangements too, so it is nice this time we start early.
>     But it's also a good idea
>     to have people commit at least a bit. Hence my suggestion of creating
>     a wiki page for the Lua Workshop 2011. Can someone do it please?
>     Note
>     that organizing involves not only finding a venue etc but also finding
>     speakers and choosing a program. These two activities are usually
>     performed by different people.
>     So, for now, how about creating that wiki page and let interested people
>     state their intention to attend the workshop and their restrictions.
>     This has worked well in the past.
>     To start, we could have two sections: proposed venues and list of
>     prospective
>     participants.
> Done

You did this not very precisely.  Lausanne was never suggested, and my
detailed suggestion of FIBL, Frick, is not even there.