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Hi all,

I just finished the rough draft of my Lua version of UMENU and installed it as 
my daily driver menu handler. So far so good -- in most meaningful ways it 
works exactly like the Perl version 

Now it's time to put a license on it. My Perl and Ruby versions of UMENU were 
GPL v2, but I didn't really copy much from the Perl version to make the Lua 
version -- it's almost cleanroom, so I think I can put any license I want on 
it (and I was the sole author of the Perl and Ruby versions anyway).

So what do you all think about the following licenses?

GPL v2
GPL v3
MIT license (
BSD 3 clause license (
BSD Simplifed license

I notice the Lua license looks a lot like the MIT license.



Steve Litt
Recession Relief Package