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On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 5:50 AM,  <> wrote:
> Hello,
> using the XMPP server "prosody", i noticed the following:
> On Linux server that have serveral IPs plumbed and where i use the option to bind prosody to one of the servers IPs and ports, the server will LISTEN on the choosen IP, but resulting sockets for client-connections may bind to *any* of the servers IPs!

Are you saying that from the clients point of view they connect() to, and after connecting they have a connection to a different
IP, like

I'm not convinced, and without some annotation of your example below,
its not clear why you think this is happening.


> Example:
> lua        2652  prosody    1u  IPv4   6821       TCP SECOND_IP:5000 (LISTEN)
> lua        2652  prosody    2u  IPv4   6822       TCP SECOND_IP:5222 (LISTEN)
> lua        2652  prosody    5u  IPv4   7740       TCP SECOND_IP:5269-> (ESTABLISHED)
> lua        2652  prosody    6u  IPv4   6788       TCP (LISTEN)
> lua        2652  prosody    7u  IPv4   6823       TCP SECOND_IP:5269 (LISTEN)
> lua        2652  prosody    8u  IPv4   6824       TCP SECOND_IP:5347 (LISTEN)
> lua        2652  prosody    9u  IPv4  81539       TCP SECOND_IP:5269-> (ESTABLISHED)
> lua        2652  prosody   10u  IPv4   7735       TCP BASE_IP:33409-> (ESTABLISHED)
> lua        2652  prosody   11u  IPv4   7728       TCP BASE_IP:44803-> (ESTABLISHED)
> lua        2652  prosody   12u  IPv4   7729       TCP BASE_IP:35705-> (ESTABLISHED)
> lua        2652  prosody   13u  IPv4  53839       TCP BASE_IP:46982-> (ESTABLISHED)
> lua        2652  prosody   14u  IPv4   7731       TCP BASE_IP:33593-> (ESTABLISHED)
> lua        2652  prosody   15u  IPv4   7732       TCP BASE_IP:33594-> (ESTABLISHED)
> lua        2652  prosody   16u  IPv4  80735       TCP SECOND_IP:5222->SECOND_IP:58174 (ESTABLISHED)
> lua        2652  prosody   17u  IPv4   9826       TCP SECOND_IP:5222->SECOND_IP:40012 (ESTABLISHED)
> lua        2652  prosody   18u  IPv4   7736       TCP SECOND_IP:5269-> (ESTABLISHED)
> lua        2652  prosody   19u  IPv4  53842       TCP SECOND_IP:5269-> (ESTABLISHED)
> lua        2652  prosody   21u  IPv4  12122       TCP SECOND_IP:5269-> (ESTABLISHED)
> lua        2652  prosody   22u  IPv4   7788       TCP SECOND_IP:5269-> (ESTABLISHED)
> lua        2652  prosody   23u  IPv4  12130       TCP BASE_IP:37874-> (ESTABLISHED)
> lua        2652  prosody   25u  IPv4  12693       TCP SECOND_IP:5269-> (ESTABLISHED)
> lua        2652  prosody   26u  IPv4  12695       TCP BASE_IP:59444-> (ESTABLISHED)
> lua        3144  prosody    4u  IPv4   9823       TCP SECOND_IP:40012->SECOND_IP:5222 (ESTABLISHED)
> Digging in the internet, i found information about some kind of flag named "IPBIND" to be used for sockets, so that resulting connections will bind to the choosen IP too.
> My question now is, if it is possible to force such a behavioor for sockets in Lua - and if not, would like to ask if there is hope for such a feature to be added :)
> Thank you!
> :)
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