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Alex de Magalhães Machado wrote:
> Yes, that's another problem, and a complex one. I'm not expert,
> but Wikipedia might enlighten some things [1].
> [1]

Rob Kendrick wrote:
> And your problem is then that your worst-case execution time is almost
> unbounded, at least as far as acceptable latency is concerned :)
> As I said, I don't believe anybody's solved this problem yet without
> either having infinite memory, or content-addressable memory.

Perhaps it would be worth throwing twin computers at the problem
(they're not _that_ expensive), with one taking over while the
other collects garbage. They could use keepalived, unless that
messes up the real-time performance, in which case it wouldn't
be too hard to roll your own.  If it could handle triplets, then
you could maintain real-time in the event of a single failure etc.

Peter Billam      (03) 6278 9410
"Was der Meister nicht kann,   vermöcht es der Knabe, hätt er
 ihm immer gehorcht?"   Siegfried to Mime, from Act 1 Scene 2