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 On 25-07-2010 18:30, Mike McGonagle wrote
A friend of mine has a 13 year old kid who is interested in Robots. I
am wanting to suggest that he learn a programming language (Lua in
particular) and learn a bit about building a computer (as Robots are
specialized computers). As Lua appears to be a language designed for
embedded systems, I was wondering if anyone out there could give me
some links to sites that deal with Robotic projects that are using
Lua, so that I could pass them along to the kid to encourage him to
learn Lua. Also, as a related topic, if there are any projects that
are dealing with AI, that would be great, too. That would be something
else for him down the road.
I have competed with Lua based robots for the last 11 years in the danish Robocup Competition with different incarnations of the robot "Crazy Ivan". We have used Lua for all high level logic in the robot. Lua is a great language for robot logics, but with many pitfalls.

I would recommend the Lego Mindstorm road - and lets the kid develops his own path from that, some like the software side, some like the hardware side but in both cases the Mindstorm kits are a great platform to start on. And let him start with the standard mindstorm software and he hit the limitations of that, enter Lua :) But the standard software is a good primer for robotics - lua is not :)
