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On Fri, 21 May 2010 21:00:13 +0300, Roberto Ierusalimschy <> wrote:

That will depend on the size of your new generations and the frequency
of major collections. (In an optimistic setting these could keep
latency low...)


I would like to have feedback on this, mostly from "real" programs
that do lots of allocation. (Simply call collectgarbage"gen" to
set generational mode.)

I tried it with small test program, because merging work3 into "real" codebase
will take some time.

The usecase I'm trying to test is Lua program with static, non-changing data that is much larger than the runtime data. I wanted to see whether enabling "gen" mode will reduce peak memory usage. I thought it should, because the amount of data in youngest generation is very small, so it should get collected often.
This seems not to be the case.
Also, running time is virtually the same in both modes.

I don't really understand how it works, but I'm confused by this condition in the
    if (g->totalbytes > g->lastmajormem/100 * g->gcpause)

Shouldn't the frequency and step size of minor collections be independent of the
size of older generation?

Here is the test program:

collectgarbage "stop"

local function g()
    local ret = {}
    for i=1,100 do ret[i] = {a=1} end
    return ret
local b = {}
for i=1,100 do b[i]=g() end

local t = {}

collectgarbage "restart"

collectgarbage "collect"
collectgarbage "collect"

--enable/disable "gen" mode
-- collectgarbage "gen"

local n = 0
for i=1,100000 do
    local s = "n" .. i
    t[n] = s
    if n == 4 then n = 0 else n = n + 1 end
--enable/disable "step" on each alloc
--    collectgarbage "step"

collectgarbage "collect"
collectgarbage "collect"


Here are results of running it under valgrind --tool=massif, with the
commented out lines enabled/disabled

Summary of peak usage:
normal: 5.0Mb
generational: 6.6Mb
normal, with "step" after each alloc: 1.0Mb
generational, with "step" after each alloc: 2.2Mb

Details (allocated memory oret runtime):

#### "step" disabled, "gen" disabled ###########################################

Command:            src/lua /home/juris/P/gengc-test.lua
Massif arguments:   --time-unit=i
ms_print arguments: massif.out.6062

4.962^                                                            #
     |                                                           @#:
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#### "step" enabled, "gen" disabled: ###########################################

Command:            src/lua /home/juris/P/gengc-test.lua
Massif arguments:   --time-unit=i
ms_print arguments: massif.out.6079

993.8^               :
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#### "step" disabled, "gen" enabled: ###########################################

Command:            src/lua /home/juris/P/gengc-test.lua
Massif arguments:   --time-unit=i
ms_print arguments: massif.out.6070

6.615^                                                               #
     |                                                          :::::#
     |                                                       ::::::  #:
     |                                                       ::::::  #:
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     |                                                  :@@: ::::::  #::
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#### "step" enabled, "gen" enabled: ############################################

Command:            src/lua /home/juris/P/gengc-test.lua
Massif arguments:   --time-unit=i
ms_print arguments: massif.out.6089

2.234^                                 #
| @@# :@ ::: :: | : :@ # ::@ :::: :::: | @ : ::@ # :::@ ::::: @:::: | @@ @: :::@ # @:::@ :@:::: @:::: | :@@ ::@::: ::::@ # :@:::@ ::@:::: ::@::::: | ::@@ :: @:: :::::@ # ::@:::@: :::@:::: :::@::::: | ::::@@ ::: @:: :::::@ # :::@:::@: ::::@:::: ::::@::::: | : ::@@ @::: @:: :::::::@ # @:::@:::@: :::::@:::: :::::@::::: | ::: ::@@ :@::: @:: @:::::::@ # @:::@:::@: ::::::@:::: @:::::@::::: | : : ::@@ @:@::: @:: @:::::::@ #::@:::@:::@::::::::@:::::@:::::@:::::: | :: : ::@@:@:@::: @:: @:::::::@ #: @:::@:::@::::::::@:::::@:::::@:::::@ | ::: : ::@@:@:@::: @:: @:::::::@ #: @:::@:::@::::::::@:::::@:::::@:::::@ | ::: : ::@@:@:@::: @:: @:::::::@ #: @:::@:::@::::::::@:::::@:::::@:::::@ | ::: : ::@@:@:@::: @:: @:::::::@ #: @:::@:::@::::::::@:::::@:::::@:::::@ | ::: : ::@@:@:@::: @:: @:::::::@ #: @:::@:::@::::::::@:::::@:::::@:::::@ | ::: : ::@@:@:@::: @:: @:::::::@ #: @:::@:::@::::::::@:::::@:::::@:::::@ | ::: : ::@@:@:@::: @:: @:::::::@ #: @:::@:::@::::::::@:::::@:::::@:::::@ | ::: : ::@@:@:@::: @:: @:::::::@ #: @:::@:::@::::::::@:::::@:::::@:::::@ | ::: : ::@@:@:@::: @:: @:::::::@ #: @:::@:::@::::::::@:::::@:::::@:::::@ 0 +----------------------------------------------------------------------->Mi 0 581.1