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Hi all, (also CC'd to the GSoC list)
> Google's Summer of Code programme encourages students to work on
> open-source software during their summer break. Google publishes a
> list of mentoring organisations and allows students to submit
> proposals for projects they can do over the summer. Google then
> sponsors the selected students with money, but *most* importantly,
> also a t-shirt :)
> Lua isn't actually participating as a mentoring organisation, but I
> guess there may still be people on this list who are eligible (or know
> of someone who is) for working on a Lua-related project over the
> summer, so here's a list of potential projects and mentoring
> organisations I compiled to help you out:

I'd just like to point out another project: Lua as a procedural language in
PostgreSQL. Check [1]

in Example Proposal Ideas > External Applications: 

"Procedural Language Improvements: PostgreSQL provides support for more than a
dozen different procedural languages, however the level of support varies
depending on the language implementation. Enhancing support of these
procedural languages might include fixing build issues, adding SPI support,
adding trigger support, adding support for IN/OUT parameters and more."

I'm the maintainer of PL/Lua [ ] and
would welcome proposals for a number of small improvements and fixes.

In case you'd still like to work with PostgreSQL and Lua, but prefer the
client side, I also have a (fairly complete but yet to be released) libpq
binding to Lua that features asynchronous connections and query executions,
parametrizable and prepared statements, and other goodies.

If you're interested, drop a line to one of the GSoC liaisons in [1]; I'd be
happy to serve as a mentor.


Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.
                -- Pablo Picasso

Luis Carvalho (Kozure)
lua -e 'print(((""):gsub("(%u+%.)","")))'