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In message <> you wrote:

> Is Gavin Wraith still out there and do you plan a 5.1 version of your
> integer patch?

He is, lurking daily on the Lua list. Did you mean 5.2? I am not
sure whether 'patch' is the correct term. For RiscLua I needed to
#define LUA_NUMBER      int
because RISC OS was originally designed around the ARM architecture,
for CPUs with no floating point operations. Then I extended the Lua
VM with extra operations (and events) for bit-twiddling.
Doubles are provided as objects in the heap - rarely used anyway.
As a joke in Punch sometime in the 1880s put it, "If that is where you
want to go, I would not advise starting from here, Sir".

I am waiting to see how 5.2 pans out before updating. One of the things
that I shoved into RiscLua was Mike Pall's patch for
 local x,y,z,... in table_expr
which I have come to appreciate as a very convenient syntactic enhancement.
At long last some possibility of dynamic linking is becoming available
for RISC OS, and I need to play with that a bit before I make any changes.

Gavin Wraith (
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