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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next] [Date Index] [Thread Index] is a wrapping around the strftime function provided by the C
runtime. On windows, the Microsoft C runtime is typically used, so
you'll want to consult the MSDN reference on strftime rather than one
of the standard documents. Likewise, wraps fopen, and if the
underlying C runtime explodes on invalid input, then so will Lua.

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 1:52 PM, Stuart P.Bentley<> wrote:
> Using the lua.exe interpreter provided with Lua for Windows, passing any
> letter to ("%"..letter)) other than a-d, j, m, p, w-z, A, B, H, I,
> M, S, U, or W-Z is causing to crash (as in "has encountered a problem and
> needs to close" crash). This also happens when calling with any
> undefined format string.
> That can't be right, can it? (At the very least %C, %D, %e, %h, %n, %r, %R,
> %t, %T, %u, and %V should evaluate as they are defined in the standard
> (