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2009/2/18 Alexandre Skyrme <>:
> Alex <alex7864 <at>> writes:
>> I'm starting to learn Lua and came across the interesting "Exploring Lua
>> for Concurrent Programming" paper. I'd like to try out the luaproc
>> library but I couldn't find it anywhere. Are there any plans to make it
>> public?
> hi,
> i'm glad you found the paper interesting. we indeed intended to make a public
> release of the library, but had not done so yet. however, i just created a
> project at luaforge and placed the source code there. in case you are still
> interested, the url is:

I just discovered the paper and the library, and it looks great. And
since there is a famous Lua name in the authors list, I expect it will
become a de-facto standard, which is somewhat needed in that area.

Anyway, since I'm currently a Windows user, I tried to build it for
Windows. It requires pthreads, so I used pthreads-win32 [1]. However I
had to remove a few includes to make it build (and surprisingly it
built properly, I guess either the includes are not necessary at all,
or the defined symbols are defined elsewhere on Windows). You can find
a patch attached to this email. I only tested it with the minimal
test.lua provided, but it ran successfully.

Also, by the way, it would be nice to put the version number of the
lib in the root directory name inside the tarball, as do many open
source softwares (Lua included).


Attachment: luaproc-compile-on-win32.patch
Description: Binary data