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> - luaQT (right now specialized for QT, but...)

where can I find out more about luaQT? Or do you mean lua_qt?

2009/1/20 Anders Backman <>:
> Hi all.
> This is probably a wildly discussed topic, but I haven't found a good
> compilation of the resources as new ones pops up all over the place, and
> others die..
> Problem: Given a C++ API I want to export classes, methods, namespaces,
> enums to lua. Being able to implement virtual methods in lua, calling them
> from C++/lua transparently...
> This is a the list I know about, correct me if Im wrong, perhaps someone can
> update a list on the lua site?
> - LuaBridge
>   * Templetized way of exporting C++ classes
>   * Require manual labour of explicitly listing all classes, methods enums
> that should be exported.
>   *one way only, exporting C++ to lua (no virtual callbacks to lua?)
>   * Handles namespaces?
> - LuaBind
>   * Templetized way of exporting C++ classes
>   * Require manual labour of explicitly listing all classes, methods enums
> that should be exported.
>   * Full support of virtual methods
>   * Seems to handle namespaces?
> - tolua
>   * dead
> - tolua++
>   * Parse either modified header files OR cleaned .h (.tolua/.pkg) files
>   * Require manual creation of suitable .pkg files
>   * Do not support virtual methods in lua
>   * Handle namespaces
> - luaQT (right now specialized for QT, but...)
>   * Parse .h files of the target API
>   * Require you to filter out unwanted classes, but after that its automatic
>   * Does not handle namespaces
> More?
> What I really like about the luaQT approach is it has a big gain exporting
> numerous API:s where you want to avoid the manual labour of specifying each
> and every class/method, this is a tedious work and has to be redone each
> time you update your dependencies, unless you want to wrap everything into a
> scripting layer which you then export...
> Right now yet another way would be to use cpp2xml (like luaQT) and generate
> cleaned up .pkg files and run those through tolua++. However this would not
> give me support for virtual methods, this would be added to tolua++...
> Looking for quite some feedback because I know this is a hot issue!
> Cheers, Anders