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On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 12:13 PM, Tim Channon <> wrote:
> Ralph Hempel wrote:
>> Hisham wrote:
>> My plan, if I ever get back to it, is to use make to
>> build Lua and the desired libraries into a platform specific package.
>> But instead of having make call the compiler to build the parts of
>> the package, it will call LuaRocks and use its builtin module
>> build type to call the compiler.
>> Wait! Why not just use the makefile with the module? Well, all of those
>> modules have slightly different makefile styles, and getting them
>> into shape for the platform specific make is pretty ugly. The developer
>> would have to merge my changes into their makefile too, or else
>> I'll have to change it again when they upgrade the source of their
>> package...
> Not sure if there is a route here...
> Well there is Premake which uses Lua as it's scripting to create makes and
> ide setups. (3.7 in svn is updated to 5.1.3)

A Premake build backend for LuaRocks would be nice. I understand some
Tecgraf libraries use it, so Premake support in LuaRocks would be
useful for packing rocks for them.

-- Hisham